Be the Change
I want to thank you so much for visiting my page. My hope is that with the pictures and stories, you'll feel an escape from your everyday life. Even for just a few minutes. I hope that you smile. That you dream. That you find inspiration.
You can help us immensely by sharing content with your friends and family, especially through your Social Media connections. However, if you'd like to personally be a part of the mission, there are a few ways you can help Be the Change:
Donate through Patreon. Over the coming months, there will be exclusive content, behind the scenes action, some fart jokes that can only be seen through Patreon. Remember, 100% of all donations go directly to supporting the various charities and people in need along the way. Support us for as little as $3 a month! Click here or the logo below for the Patreon site.
Click/Buy any of these Amazon items or ads. Yes, all those little "shop now" things throughout this site puts a few pennies into Vandalf the Grey's gas tank, and keeps Onyx eating. And, since I'm an "Amazon Affiliate", YOU can get some pretty good deals on awesome stuff. See below:
Use my Amazon Link whenever you shop on Amazon. I mean, come on!!! You're probably shopping at work, anyway! Use my link! Bookmark it!
Buy me a beer! Seriously. I love beer! And, meeting new people. If I'm in your neck of the woods, reach out. Let's grab a pint!